Sunday, March 29, 2009


So, Tim found a survey that declares more men than women feel pressured by their partners to have sex before marriage in today's world (or, at least in New Zealand) . This is the conversation the followed the discovery of the article:

Steph: Jeez, do Marissa and I really look like sexual predators to you? I mean, am I TOO sexy for you, Timmy? 
Tim: This isn't referring to us, this is referring to MEN... (pause for Marissa/Steph's laughter) wait, let me re-phrase that-
Steph: Ah, the BIG MEN don't want sex:  *switches to cave man type voice*  "Me big man, me no have sexies now. Penis remain flaccid until me get ring." 
Tim: Damnit, I'll find you a ring! *scours the room for a ring type thing*
Steph: You know, I...I don't have a penis timmy, I was immitating you.

(reference for this conversation:
look at the last paragraph) 

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Let the pigeons be. 
There's no need to torture them, or try and hit them with your car.
They're just trying to live, like any other creature. The only thing they ever want is a bit of food to help them survive the day- is that so much to ask for? 
Yes, I know theres a lot of them, and their species is quite overpopulated. Especially in Manhattan. But, that's not unlike the human situation. True, a human cannot really be compared to a pigeon, but they are both living creatures that deserve some level of respect. Plus, some humans can be as, and even sometimes more, "annoying" than most pigeons. 
And what of the stray cats? People leave food out for them all the time (I am, in this case, referring to the Hofstra Cats, which are classified as feral) and try to be as friendly as possible to them. But then they go and look down on the poor, mistreated pigeon. But why? Don't get me wrong, I love cats, but why were cats accepted into the social norm as "good" animals, and pigeons classified as "bad"? Both species can carry diseases, both can be a nuisance at times. So why the difference of feelings? 
I like pigeons. I think they can be really cute, especially the little head bob thing they do. And the range of colors in their feathers is just beautiful. Perhaps it's just me, maybe I'm the only person who likes pigeons. Even so, I'm still going to try and stop the idiots if I see them trying to run over one of these sweet little birds again. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's 2:20 in the morning.
My window is open, and I can hear all the St. Patty's day drunkards brawling in the streets. My guess is that none of them come from any Irish heritage whatsoever. 

It's interesting to think about the tradition of St. Patrick's day. Irish folk celebrate the day Pat chased the snakes out of Ireland (or so I'm to believe). So, people get drunk, preform inebriated stunts, and have good 'ol rough Irish sex to celebrate. But, from my understanding of literature and religion studies, snakes represent temptaion; in a sense, Patrick freed the Irish people from their temptations. Therefore, doesn't getting completely hammered and doing stupid things all night long seem to undo all the work that St. Patrick did in the first place? 

Think about it. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I hate that slamming door sound.
You know, the one that always blasts into your ears when someone signs off on AIM. It's not even a gentle closing door, it's an all-out, shatter the wood slam. 
That slamming says to me, 
"Sorry, but I'm closing the door on our possible conversation."
All the inside jokes that could have been made, the heartfelt confessions that only blaring computer screens can provide, hell, our conversation could have lead to a cure for cancer. It doesn't matter if it's an obscure name that has been on my list for so long I don't even remember who it is (but it's probably that one friend I made at that camp I went to for one summer), just knowing that person forcefully shut the door on a possible exchange of thoughts and life stories...well, that just depresses me. 
That's why, instead of a door-slam sound, I have a door Opening sound play when I sign off. This way, people don't feel like they're getting a door closed in their face but instead feel like they are stepping through an open door, into a mindset filled with the possibliity that we can talk later...
Which we will. As soon as I sign back on. (I have a chicken cluck for that). 


The best defense in life is never fighting a pikachu. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Five Stages of Writing an Essay

1. Denial and Isolation:
"No, I can't go anywhere today, I have to go back to my room for the next six hours and write this essay...I can't believe I didn't start it yesterday, I really had meant to..."

2. Anger:
"How can Professor Generic expect us to write a seven page paper on excruciating subject 1 in only two days!? I don't know anything about the topic!"

3. Bargaining:
"Ok, I'll write two pages now, get some lunch, and write the rest after...or maybe, I can write three pages now, get lunch, AND have time to watch "Awsome Sitcom" before finishing..."

4. Depression:
"*Sigh* I'm never going to finish this- I mean, that's it, I'm going to fail the class, and I'll never graduate college (over-reacting, etc.)..."

5. Acceptance:
"Alright, I just gotta get this done- I can do this..."

I'm currently going through stage 4 right now...(*stupid financial deregulation paper*)