Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's 2:20 in the morning.
My window is open, and I can hear all the St. Patty's day drunkards brawling in the streets. My guess is that none of them come from any Irish heritage whatsoever. 

It's interesting to think about the tradition of St. Patrick's day. Irish folk celebrate the day Pat chased the snakes out of Ireland (or so I'm to believe). So, people get drunk, preform inebriated stunts, and have good 'ol rough Irish sex to celebrate. But, from my understanding of literature and religion studies, snakes represent temptaion; in a sense, Patrick freed the Irish people from their temptations. Therefore, doesn't getting completely hammered and doing stupid things all night long seem to undo all the work that St. Patrick did in the first place? 

Think about it. 

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